GENERALITIES - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Bellis Perennis: Any ailment caused by drinking cold water or by eating ice-cream when the body is in heated condition. Effects of sudden chill from wet cold when one is hot or perspiring.

Borax: Passing stool before making water.

Acid Mur: He slips to the foot of bed, and must be often lifted. Sliding down in bed.

Ranunculus B: Worse from hot to cold or cold to hot. Any ailments due to sudden change of temperature.

Stramonium: When going downstairs he takes two steps for one and falls.

Arsenic Alb:
Calcarea Carb:
For cold patients who are worse in cold weather and better in hot weather and hot application.

Fluoric Acid:
Kali Iod:
For hot patients who are worse in summer or by warmth and better by cold application.

Merc Sol: Cannot tolerate abnormal heat or cold. Feels better in temperate climate.

Hyoscyamus: To do absurd things. To mutilate body.

Absinthium: To be violent, cruel and inhuman. Aimlessly busy.

Graphites: Laughs at re-proof. Teasing.