Ferrum Acetate: Stubborn anaemia. It is specific for anaemia and
should be tried in preference to other Ferrum compounds. Give in IM
or CM dilutions.
Ferrum Met: In anaemia after intermittent fevers. Cerebral anaemia
with disposition to faint. Anaemia in patients who were once full-
blooded and are now pale with puffiness of the extremities. Anaemia
with great paleness of parts with sudden fiery flushing of the face.
Patient is puffed up and dropsical; skin pale with pitting.
Arsenic Alb: Extreme prostration and anxiety; oedema; violent
palpitation. Intense thirst with irritable stomach. Cerebral anaemia due
to malaria or excessive use of quinine.
Nux Vom: Anaemia of the brain due to over-stimulation, mental over-
work, softening of the brain.
Zincum Met: In chronic cases of cerebral anaemia with paralytic
Ferrum Phos: Anaemia with violent throbbing pain in head with
extreme sensitiveness of scalp. The brain is full of blood but it is
Chininum Ars: Anaemia with profuse and exhausting sweat during
China: When anaemia is due to loss of blood and other fluids. Anaemia
of the brain with headache and roaring in cars.
Phosphorus: Anaemia due to long lasting depression. Palpitation with
tightness and soreness of chest. Anaemia of the brain due to mental
Natrum Mur: Anaemia due to scanty and delayed menses, Chronic
catarrh. When loss of blood and fluid result in anaemia.
Picric Acid: In progressive pernicious anaemia.
Acetic Acid: Anaemia with weakness, emaciation, loss of appetite, inherited phthisis is, burning thirst and copious pale urine.
Manganum: Broken down constitution, bloodlessness, waxy and
sicklier appearance when the cause is not bleeding or other excessive
Lecithin: It increases the number of red corpuscles and amount of
Alumina Silicate: Marked emaciation and anaemia. Great weakness
and the patient wants to lie in bed all the time. Losing of flesh.
Tri Nitro Tolvene (T.N.T.): Suitable for ammunition workers
handling T.N.T. Grave form of anaemia and jaundice. Breathlessness,
dizziness, headache, faintness, palpitation and cyanosis.
Aletris Farinosa: Chlorosis: Characterised by weariness of body and
mind due to protracted illness. Suitable for chlorotic girls and pregnant
women. Habitual tendency to abortion.
Calcarea Carb: Anaemia dates back to childhood. Particularly suitable
for leucophlegmatic constitutions; soft fibre with tendency to be fat.
Slow in movement and teething. Evil forebodings. Craving for
indigestible things.
Thyroidinum: Anaemia in goitrous subjects who have nervous tremor,
of face and limbs, palpitation and chilliness. Emaciation, muscular
weakness, sweating and tingling sensation.