Asterias Rub: Is the head remedy for pimples on the face at
the age of puberty.
Kali Brom: This remedy may be tried if Asterias Rub. fails.
Thuja: Acne of the face and nose and nasal dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).
Ars Iod:
Sulphur Iod:
May be tried in inveterate cases.
They are of severe type.
Hydrocotyle: Acne of face, when accompanied with uterine
Agaricus: When there is also a tendency to chilblains.
Berberis Aquifolium: Acne, blotches and pimples on the face
of girls. It also clears the complexion.
Dulcamara: Rash on the face before menses. Humid eruptions
and blotches. Worse in cold and wet weather.
Streptococcin: For acne which is aggravated by taking eggs
and during winter. Frontal headache better by cold air.
Aconite Lycotonum: Hard tuberculous pimples on the face.
Pimples on lips.
Psorinum: Acne worse during menses, from fats, sugar, coffee,
Calc. Phos: Acne in anaemic girls at puberty, with vertex
headache and-flatulent dyspepsia, relieved by eating.
Thuja: Acne or pimples on the face when there is a history of
vaccination which did not take.
Bovista: Acne due to the use of cosmetics, especially during
Aurum Ars: Acne, pimples on the face and forehead, pustules.
Sanguinaria C: Acne of the face which is worse at the time of
menses which are scanty.
Sulphur: It should be given as an inter-current remedy when
well selected remedies fail to give relief or when the
improvement stops. Give in 200 potency.
Hepar Sulph: Is indicated in pimples which suppurate with
white pus.
Ars. Sui. Rubrum: Is indicated in acne when accompanied by
eczema or psoriasis.