AGGRAVATIONS - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 22 September 2017


Antim Crud: Worse in evening, from acids, heat, wine, water, washing and bathing.

Sepia: Worse forenoon and evening, washing, dampness, after sweat, cold air and before thunder storm; by consolation on closing eyes.

Nux Vom: Worse morning, mental excitement, mental exertion, after eating, touch, noise, spices, stimulants, narcotics, dry weather, open air, cold, sitting on cold steps; smoking. Turning in bed; patent and other medicines, aromatic, bitter vegetable pills, sedentary habits.

Arsenic Alb: Worse in wet weather, afternoon and at or after midnight, from cold, cold drinks or food, seashore, dark, fruits, sneezing.

Bryonia: Worse by motion, warmth, morning, eating, hot weather, exertion, touch, jar, lying on painless side.

China: Worse on slightest touch; draught of air; every other day; loss of vital fluids, by bleeding, diarrhoea etc. at night; after eating fruit; noise.

Chamomilla: Worse by heat, anger, open air, wind, at night, lying on painless side.

Cistus Can: Worse by slightest exposure to cold air, mental exertion, excitement.

Mercurius Sol: Worse at night or before midnight, wet, damp weather, lying on right side, perspiring, warm room and warm bed. Worse from the extremes of temperature, worse from both hot and cold.

Causticum: Worse in cold winds, dry, in clear fine weather, cold air, from motion of carriage.

Kali Carb: Worse after coition; in cold weather, from soup and coffee; in morning about three o'clock; lying on left and painful side.

Psorinum: Worse by coffee which should be avoided when taking this medicine. Change of weather, in hot sunshine, from cold. Dread of least cold air draught.

Silicea: Worse on new or full moon, in morning, from washing, during menses, uncovering, lying down, damp, lying on left side, cold consolation.

Zincum Met: Aggravation of all complaints by drinking wine which intoxicates him even if a small amount is taken.

Acid Phos: Exertion, from being talked to; loss of vital fluids; sexual excesses.

Phosphorus: By touch, physical or mental exertion; too much light; warm food or drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather, evening, lying on left or painful side, during a thunder-storm, ascending stairs.

Lyssin: Worse sight or sound of running water or pouring water or even thinking of fluids; dazzling or reflected light; heat of sun; stooping.

Stramonium: Worse in dark room, when alone, looking at bright or shining objects, after sleep, on swallowing.

Conium: Worse on lying down; changing sides in bed; celibacy (unmarried); before and during menses; from taking cold; from bodily or mental exertion.

Sulphur: Worse at rest and when standing, warmth of bed, washing, bathing, in morning at 11 A.M.

Natrum Mur: Worse from noise, music, warm room, lying down, about 10A.M., at seashore, mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking.

Lachesis: Worse after sleep; the patient sleeps during aggravation; ailments that come on during sleep, left side and then right side, in the spring, warm bath, hot drinks, closing eyes, tight clothes: at beginning of and end of menses.

Dulcamara: Worse at night; from cold in general; damp rainy weather.

Aranea Diad: Worse in damp weather, late afternoon and midnight.

Natrum Sul: Worse by music which makes her sad; lying on left side; damp weather or dampness of basement, storm.

Pulsatilla: Worse from heat, rich fat food like pastry, after eating, towards evening, warm room, lying on left or on painless side, when allowing feet to hang down. Erratic, shifting and constantly changing; before and during menses.

Ledum P: Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion. 

Sanicula: Worse at night and from heat of bed, upward motion.

Ambra Grisea: Presence of other persons and conversation aggravate the symptoms. Aggravation from listening to music.

Natrum Ars: Worse from butter, cold drinks, cold food, fats, fruits, milk, pork, vinegar.

Lycopodium: Worse when from right to left or from above downwards between 4-8 P.M., warm application except throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks, mortification from offence.

Alumina: Aggravation from salt, wine, vinegar, pepper and from spirituous drinks. Worse periodically, in afternoon; from potatoes; in morning on awaking; warm room.

Lac. Can: Worse in the morning of one day and in the evening of next. Erratic, shifting and constantly changing.

Crocus Sat: Worse lying down, hot weather, warm room, in morning, fasting, before breakfast, looking fixedly at an object.

Belladonna: Worse to touch, jar, noise, draught, afternoon, lying down, hair cut.

Hepar Sul: Worse from dry cold winds, cool air; slightest draught, from mercury, touch, lying on painful side.

Staphisagria: Worse from anger, indignation, grief, mortification, loss of fluids, organism, sexual excesses, tobacco; least touch of affected parts, misdeeds of others.

Carbo Veg: Worse in evening, night and open air, cold; fat food, butter, pastry, coffee, milk; warm damp weather, urine.

Colocynthis: Worse from anger and indignation.

Borax: Worse downward motion; noise; smoking, warm weather, after menses.

Ignatia: Worse on hearing bad news, in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, external warmth, noise.

Colchicum: Worse from sunset to sunrise; motion; loss of sleep; smell of food; in evening; mental exertion; noise.

Cocculus: Worse after eating, after loss of sleep, in open air, smoking, riding, swimming, touch, noise, jar; afternoon menstrual period; emotional disturbance.

Carbo Animalis: Worse after shaving; loss of fluid.

Rhus Tox: Worse at night, during sleep, wet rainy weather and after rain, during rest, when lying on back or right side.

Rhododendron: Worse before storm; all symptoms reappear in rough whether; night, towards morning.

Coca: Worse on ascending high altitude.

Calcarea Phos: Worse by exposure to damp cold weather, melting snow.

Ferrum Met: Aggravation of suffering comes on during rest, even the dyspnoea and weakness are worse by rest. Better by gentle movements but any exertion aggravates.

Magnesia Mur: Worse on closing the eyes to go to sleep. On closing the eyes he becomes so anxious, restless, fidgety that he must throw the covers off, take a long breath or do something. Aggravation from saltish things, from inhaling sea air.

Magnesia Phos: Worse on right side, cold, touch at night.

Gelsemium: Worse in damp weather, fog, before a thunderstorm, emotion, excitement, bad news, tobacco smoking, when thinking of his ailment.

Dioscorea: Worse in evening and night, lying down and doubling up.

Bromium: Worse from evening until midnight, when sitting in warm room; warm damp weather, when at rest and lying on left side.

Cyclamen: Worse in open air, evening, sitting, standing, cold water.

Anacardium: Worse on application of hot water.

Cuprum Met: Worse before menses; from vomiting, contact.

Apis Mel: Worse by heat in any form; touch; pressure; in late afternoon; after sleeping; in closed and heated room.

Argentum Nit: Worse by warmth in any form; at night; from cold food; sweats after eating; at menstrual period; from emotions; left side.