ALLERGY - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Allergy is a condition of unusual or exaggerated specific susceptibility to substance which is harmless to the majority of persons given in like amounts and under like conditions, e.g. fish, berries, eggs, white bread or various other foods, producing symptoms such as urticaria, nausea, vomiting, pains, purging, migraines, asthma and many other symptoms of various nature. Drugs and medicines that would be borne by the majority of persons would produce allergic symptoms and even toxic manifestations in those who are sensitive to a particular kind of food or drug.

These are the head remedies for removing allergy against milk, milk products, eggs, sardines, cooked animal food, hair dyes etc. Tuberculinum should be given first in 200 dilution. If no improvement is achieved with two doses give every week, try Sulphur 200 a dose every week. If this potency does not respond, it may be increased to 1000, a dose or two need only be given every fortnight. (See also indications against Sulphur below).

Thyroidinum: An excellent remedy in allergic rhinitis causing excessive sneezing and oedema of nasal mucus membrane. Dyspnoea without apparent cause or of obscure character; in allergic asthma with severe dyspnoea. Urticaria. Eczema. Vertigo, headache, nausea, neuralgias etc. when due to allergy.

Psorinum: Allergy for wheat which causes eczema. It is chronic of Tuberculinum and should be given where this remedy fails or helps only partially. It should also be tried when Sulphur fails.

Apium Grav: Allergy for celery sniffle by eating of which itching is produced. Give in 200 or 1000 dilution to be repeated weekly or fortnightly.

Fragaria Vesca: Allergy to strawberries which produce urticaria; sometimes there is difficulty in breathing as if a weight were on the chest.

Pulsatilla: Allergy for cod-liver oil, fats and orange juice. Sensitive to food containing proteins. Gets bilious from oils or fats. Tendency to catch cold and become easily fatigued.

Thuja: Allergy to onions which are just like poison to him. 

Lycopodium: Allergy to oysters. The use of oysters is like a poison to him.

Saccharum Off: Allergy to sugar or cane sugar.

Urtica Urens: Allergy to milk which causes urticaria.

Natrum Mur: Allergy to eggs, starches, milk, honey, ragweed pollens, onions, wheat, animal food, etc.

Ferrum Met: Allergy to eggs.

Sulphur: Allergy to feathers and chocolates. Cured hay fever in a patient using pillow of feathers. Sensitive to hair dyes which produce eczema. Allergy to cooked animal food. Tuberculinum 200 should be used for ill effects of hair dyes when Sulph. fails.

Argentum Nitricum: For all allergic disease, having elective affinities for the skin, mucus membranes and other parts and organs, particularly for lungs.