(see also "ANGER")
Staphisagria 200: The least words that seem wrong cause anger and indignation. Impulse to throw things at persons who had caused a trifling imaginary irritation.
Cocculus Indica: Least disturbance causes annoyance.
Arsenicum Album: Caused by noise or light. Conium. Trifling matters cause annoyance.
Tuberculinum 200: Difficult and bad tempered child. Kicks off clothes and is rude to other children without any reason. Never a smile on the face. Terrible storm of temper. Violent rage and loud uncontrolled weeping Give one dose a week for about two months and repeat longer, if necessary.
Phosphorus 200: Wild temper. Rages a storm of temper, physically as well as mentally. Would fight with children and teachers in school. Unmanageable child. When angry. Would 1ock himself into a lavatory. Easily frightened. Trembles and shakes with fear. Frightened of darkness. Constitution thin and slim; fair complexioned.
Aesculus: Loses temper quickly but regains it slowly.