Calcarea Phos: An excellent remedy for nonunion of fractured bones and
for caries of bone when they become soft or are wasted away. Curvature of
Angustura Vera: Caries of long bones, cracking of joints. Pain penetrates
to the marrow.
Calcarea Carb: Pott's disease. Caries of the spinal cord. Non-development
of bones and non-appearance of teeth.
Calcarea Fluor: Enlargement of bones with or without cause. This remedy
may be given in alternation with Calcarea Phos, for symptoms similar to
those given in Calcarea Phos.
Acid Fluor: Caries with suppuration of long bones getting better or worse
periodically. Pains worse at night, with great prostration. Offensive
discharge from the ears and nose due to necrosis of the bones.
Platinum: Caries especially of the tarsus.
Silicea: Curvature of bones, rickets and diseases of the hip joint. Offensive
sweat may also be present. Fistulous openings, discharge offensive and
parts around it hard and swollen.
Aurum Met: In syphilitic patients after abuse of mercury. Caries of the
cervical bones and bones of the palate. There is offensive smell and
discharge of small pieces of bones.
Asafoetida: Caries of bones with offensive discharge, soreness intolerable,
soreness around the ulcers so much so that even the dressing is not
tolerated. Pains dull, drawing and burning; worse from rest.
Hecla Lava: In bone disease including osteosarcoma, scrofulous and
syphilitic osteitis and exostoses.
Colchicum: Caries of bones, especially when growing ends are affected.
Phosphorus: Head remedy for caries of the bones. May be tried when Silicea fails to cure completely or when progress is arrested.
Staphisagria. Shifting pain in long bones; in neuralgia; in caries.