CURVATURE (Spine) - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 30 September 2017


Acid Phos: Curvature of spine due to caries of vertebrae.

Calcarea Carb: Curvature of spine in the region of dorsal vertebrae and of long bones. Swelling in curvature of neck and back.

Silicea: It covers inflammation, softening and necrosis of bone wherever found. Abscess of the bones resulting in fistulous opening with offensive pus discharge.

Calcarea Phos: Supportive process of bony tissues. Caries of hip joint, softening of bones. Spine weak, disposed to curvatures, especially to the left, unable to support.

Calcarea Fluor: Should be tried when other preparations of Calcarea fail.

Sulphur: In the region of lumbo-dorsal, after suppression of scabies by ointments. Curvature of the back bone and also of the ribs. Give 200 potency every week.

Kali Hyd: Curvature in hip diseases. Spinal caries due to syphilis.

Thuja: Head sinks into knees on sitting on the floor; bad result of vaccination. Bent backward, cannot sit erect.