Argentum Nitricum: Head remedy for ulcers on os. Bleeding
ulcers accompanied with prolapsus; discharge albuminous.
Argentum Met: When Argentum Nit. fails, this remedy should
be tried. It has ulcers on cervix with bloody discharge which
may be due to cancer. Prolapsus.
Kreosote: Inveterate ulcers on cervix which bleed easily with
fetid acrid discharge. Cervicitis.
Carbo An: Malignant ulcers on os with foul discharge and
which bleed easily.
Conium: Ulcers in uterus with prolapsus.
Calendula: It also helps in healing ulcers. It should be given in 30 dilution.
Acid Sul: Ulceration of cervix in aged.
Ars. Alb:
Carbolic Acid:
Ulceration of cervix with fetid
acrid discharge.
Alumen: Ulcers or cancer of uterus. The pain makes the coition
impossible. Weight of uterus presses down.
Aurum Met: Induration and ulceration of the uterus as a result
of repeated abortions.