Ignatia: To amusement, to tobacco smoke, cannot stand smoking.
Sepia: To family members. to business or profession, to the opposite sex. Irritable, indifferent, tired. Wants to be alone in dark. Creates aversion to beer.
Platina: To family members or others due to pride; thinks herself too big in status.
Pulsatilla: To women and coition; to marriage.
Cadmium sulph: To doing anything mental or physical.
Aconite N: To music.
Graphites: Music makes her weep.
Raphanus: In women to opposite sex.
Nux Vomica: To work when due to indigestion or nervous dyspepsia. If she works, does everything wrong.
Plum bum: To work when accompanied with chronic constipation.
Cyclamen: To work in dyspepsia. Disgust for meat. Aversion to bread and butter; to beer.
Natrum Mur: Aversion to bread, to fats and to rich food.
Lac Vac Defl: Aversion to milk, men, women and children. Cannot drink milk as it makes them sick. Aversion to seeing and talking to people. Headache from drinking milk.
Glonoine: To husband.
Chelidonium: To work or move after dinner. Aversion to cheese.
Argentum Nit: To work in melancholia. If the first medicine
Lachesis: does not help, try the second.
Acid Thior: Aversion to family members and dearest friends. Wants to go away from home. Low mindedness due to sexual excesses in men who are debauches.
Conium: Does not want to work and prefers to play.
Cajuputam: Averse to being spoken to, though likes to hear other people talk. Cannot bear to look inside the books when he usually studies. Aversion to company of own sex.
Natrum Carb: Inability to work due to over study. Aversion to milk which if taken, causes diarrhea.
Picric Acid: Aversion to marriage; the very idea of marriage is unendurable.
Kali Bich: Aversion to meat with biliousness.
Cocculus: Aversion to food and drink.
Calcarea Carb: Poor appetite with aversion to meat and craving for boiled eggs.
Acid Nitric: Cannot bear the sight or thought of meat.
Acid Mur: Aversion to meat.
Lycopodium: Aversion to coffee and meat. Hates to take them.
Veratrum Viride: Aversion to sweets. Even water tastes sweet.
Abrotanum: A version to milk in miasmic children who crave for bread boiled in milk to satisfy hunger.
Alumina: Aversion to potatoes which do not agree; to meat which has no taste; to beer.
Alumina Phos: A version to company and to answering questions.
Antim Tart: Aversion to milk which makes the patient sick, causing nausea and vomiting. Aversion to any kind of nourishment.
Osmium: Aversion to coffee or tobacco. Disgust at their odour.
Petroleum: Strong aversion to fat food, to meat, to open air, worse from eating cabbage.
Chamomilla: Aversion to coffee, warm drinks, soups and liquid foods.
Silicea: Aversion to mother's milk which is vomited when taken.
Magnet Polis Australis: Aversion to conversation.
Ipecacuanha: Great repugnance and dislike to all food.
Carbo Veg: A version to digestible things and best of food. Desire for coffee, acids etc.
Stramonium: Aversion, to liquids. Even a cup of water brought to her lips will cause violent spasms. Liquid can only be forced down the throat with difficulty.
Grindelia: Aversion to darkness. Wants light in the room all night.
Tarentula H: Sensitive to music. As soon as she hears music, she will jump and dance.
Theridion: Aversion to noise and every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body causing nausea and vertigo. Sound penetrates into the teeth. Worse on closing the eyes.
Tuberculinum: A version to all food, to meat which it is impossible to eat.
Causticum: Dislike to swee things. Fresh meat causes nausea.
Mag Carle: Aversion to vegetable food.
Upas. T: Aversion to meat and eggs, the very thought of them brings nausea.