DEPRESSION - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 7 February 2018


Kali Br: After seminal emissions; with painful delusions, sleeplessness and dread of impending destruction of all near him; with fear and anxiety. Delusion and feeling of moral deficiency.

Aurum Met: Depression so great as to drive the victim towards suicide.

Nux Vom: After seminal emissions.

Ambra Grisea: Depression of spirits alternating with vehemence of temper due to old age.

Artemisia V: Depression a day before an attack of epilepsy.

Helleborus: After scarlet fever.

Crotalus: Depression with debility, faintness and aching in left iliac region.

Cadmium Sulph: Depression with state of resentment, hopelessness, lack of grit. Use 200 dilution.

Zincum Met: For depression with skin affection; should be given twice daily.

Nitric Acid: In the evening.

Cannabis Sat: In the forenoon.

Phosphorus: From belief that he has an incurable heart.

Gelsemium: From heat; due to impotence.

Natrum Mur: With canine hunger.

Caladium: From impotence.

Digitalis: With palpitation.

Coca: By overwork and excesses.

Phytolacca: In rheumatism; in syphilis.

Agnus cast: General debility and depression of vital power. Great sadness with a fixed idea of approaching death.

Murex: When leucorrhoea is better.

Acid Phos: Depression which takes the form of extreme indifference, listlessness, apathetic, etc.

Ammonia Carb: Depression of spirits. She weeps much, has fainting fits, anxiety, uneasiness and exhaustion from motion. Dyspnoea due to weakness.