CONFUSION (BRAIN-FAG) - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday 7 February 2018


Sulphur: On waking up in the morning.

Aesculus Hip: Wakes up with confusion of mind, looks all around the room in confusion, bewildered, does not know the people, wonders where he is and what the meaning of the things he sees is. Great sadness, irritability, loss of memory and aversion to work. Sadness due to not getting things he wants.

Zincum: Brain becomes affected in course of nervous disease, scarlatina or summer complaints.

Belladonna: After delirium.

Lachesis: In diphtheria.

Nux Vomica: After eating. Caused by worry and much mental strain with too little bodily exertion.

Kali Brom: In melancholia, caused by overwork, sensation as if about to lose senses.

Gelsemium: In onanists.

Stramonium: Got up after midnight and walked about in confusion. Confusion with vertigo.

Picric Acid: Brain-fag and headache in occiput-cervical region. Brain fag of literary people and teachers, lack of will power, aversion to talk, think or perform any mental exertion. He loses interest in things ; becomes irritable from any mental exertion.

Petroleum: Confusion and dizziness; so dazed that she loses her way in the street. Imagines there are other persons near her when there is none; her limbs are double ; someone else is in bed with her : dreams that she is two or more.

Calcarea Carb: Confusion and inability to think; fears he is unwanted; fear of failure; internal tension; depressed on account of wounded pride.

Coca: Wearing out under mental and physical strain.

Allium Cepa: After wine.

Alumina: Confusion of intelligence. Unable to affect a decision. Judgment disturbed. The things that he knows or has known to be real seem to him to be unreal and he is in doubt whether they are so or not.

Amba Grisea: Confusion of mind; goes from one subject to another. Asks a question and without waiting for the answer, asks another. Jumps from one topic to another. Premature old age.

Hydrocynic Acid: Feels as if cloud going over brain.

Centaurea Tagana: Stupidity and confusion of mind. Can never concentrate on one thing, starts one thing and then leaves it incomplete and takes up another and so on. Slow and unable to concentrate. Memory lost ; anxiety and feels as if she will die suddenly. Suspicious ; thinks her husband is going to send her to insane asylum. Takes wrong bus or train realizing not where she was going. When taking the correct route, passes the place intending to get off at.

Dulcamara: Mental confusion. Cannot find the right word for anything.

Acetic Acid: Confusion of mind; does not know her own children; forgets even recent happenings; attacks of anguish; peevishness; thinks something is going to happen.

Agaricus M: Says foolish and silly things, sings and whistles at an inopportune time, makes verses and prophecies or he lapses into an opposite state, becomes indifferent to his surroundings, becomes self-willed, obstinate and conceited. Stupid, awkward and clumsy.

Anacardium: Mind feeble; almost, if not complete imbecility. Comprehension slow; memory weak; forgetful; dullness and sluggishness of the mind. Irresolution, cannot take a decision whether good or bad, he hesitates and often does nothing.

Cannabis Sat: Confusion as to his personal identity. Vertigo with confusion of mind.

Cicuta Vir: The senses of sight and smell and all other senses are disturbed and confused. His house and familiar places and faces look strange.

Silicea: Brain fag in students, lawyers, clergymen due to prolonged efforts and sleepless nights in completing their task.