A version to:
Colocynthis: Friends ; tries to get away from them.
Cactus: In hysteria.
Conium: During menses. aversion to company, yet dreads to be alone.
Natrum Mur: During pregnancy.
Cuprum Met: During asthma.
Bufo: In order to indulge in masturbation.
Ignatia: In nervous patients.
Cajuputum: Feels better in the society of ladies although naturally bashful. Does not like to talk to men.
Pulsatilla: A version to company of the opposite sex which she considers to be a dangerous thing to cultivate.
Lycopodium: Hates company but wants somebody to be near him in the adjoining room.
Desire for:
Aurum Met: In heart diseases.
Conium: In hysteria.
Stramonium: In mania. Desire for light.
Argentum Nit: Wakes his wife or child for company, fears to be alone.
Arsenic Alb: Wants company which relieves his fears.