Tuberculinum: Head remedy for Broncho-pneumonia and one dose should be given at the onset of the disease in 200 dilution. Other indicated remedy may be given after twenty-four hours.
Ipecac: Rattling of the chest and tendency to vomiting and nausea. There is a feeling of suffocation and constriction with sneezing.
Bryonia: When there is dry cough and thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals. The patient wants to lie quiet or may be restless owing to the pain the chest. Breathing hard and painful.
Chelidonium: Right lung is affected. Quick and short inspiration. Dyspnoea. Short, exhausting cough, rattling, expectoration difficult. Stitching pain under right scapula. Flapping of alarnasi.
Iodine: Right-sided pneumonia, with high temperature. Blood streaked sputum. Difficult expansion of chest. Difficult wheezy respiration. Pleuritic effusion. Cough worse indoors, warm and wet weather.
Phosphorus: Dry cough with scanty expectoration and oppression of chest. There may be loose cough with bloody and purulent mucus. It should not be given in potencies below 30.
Ars. Iod: It has the symptoms of Ars. Alb. but it differs in modalities. The Ars. Alb. patient is better by warmth, whereas the Ars. Iod. patient is worse from warm application or by going to a warm room.
Glycerine: Influenzal pneumonia. Profuse coryza and dyspnoea. Consolidation in both lungs.
Lobelia Infl: Bronchopneumonia of childhood, in imperfect recoveries from chest affection especially where tuberculosis threatens.
Antim. Tart: Dilated sooty nostrils which are flapping with each breath; lungs full of phlegm (mucus) which is impossible to raise. Rattling sound in chest, great weakness, lack of reaction.
Lycopodium: For similar symptoms as in Antim. Tart but when that fails to act. Flapping of the nostrils with each breath and the trouble starting on the right side are the main symptoms of the remedy along with flatulence.
Sulphur: Is an intercurrent remedy and should not be overlooked to avoid unresolved patches in the lungs. It cures fever when due to such patches. Useful in neglected cases and psoric constitutions with a tendency towards tuberculosis. Weakness and faintness.