BRONCHITIS (Chronic) - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday, 25 January 2018


Naphthaline: Bronchitis with oppression and disseminated sibilant rales, shortness of breath on walking, dyspnoea and wheezing at night. Painful spasmodic cough with difficulty in dislodging the sputum, Emphysema. It is also useful for asthma, whooping cough, hay fever, pulmonary tuberculosis and spasmodic cough.

Grindelia: Acts on pneumogastric nerve. It first raises the blood pressure and thus accelerates the pulse and reduces the blood pressure and retards the pulse. The other symptoms of this remedy are same as in Naphthaline.

Note:- In view of the great similarity between the above remedies they may be given in alternation every one or two hours according to the condition of the patient. The dilution to be used is 6. These two remedies will cover majority of the cases and should be given early in the treatment, unless other remedies on different indications are necessary.

Capsicum: Chronic bronchitis with fetid breath in deep expiration and expectoration.

Aviaire: In Broncho-pulmonary diseases of children. Also Broncho-pneumonia due to complication in measles. Give in 200 dilution, one dose every week along with other indicated medicines.

Bacillinum: For persons suffering from chronic suffocative catarrh with muco-purulent expectoration. Give in 200 potency every week along with other indicated medicines.

Drosera: Useful in chronic bronchitis with spasmodic cough, worse after midnight. Cough dry, loud, deep sounding and painful which makes the patient hold his chest. Difficulty in taking solid food. Accumulation of mucus in larynx.

Antim Ars: When the breathing is hard, rapid, wheezy, rattling, dyspnoea marked; restlessness; skin moist, alternately hot and cold.

Antim. Iod: Frequent fits of cough with thick, heavy, yellowish muco-purulent expectoration.

Kali Bich: A loose cough with whistling, rattling caused by sticking of mucus in the larynx, pharynx and tubes; expectoration tough, stringy and tenacious. The mucus is very difficult to dislodge and often causes the patient to cough till he vomits. If the discharge disappears, rheumatism starts.

Kali Sulph: Rattling in chest after Broncho-pneumonia. Rattling without expectoration.

Causticum: Deep hollow dry cough, pain in chest especially under sternum Rattling in chest with soreness. Tightness of chest; must take deep breath. Often involuntary spurting of urine when coughing.

Carbo Veg: Evening hoarseness with rawness and scrapping in the larynx and trachea. Oppression of chest. Bronchitis in old people. Profuse yellow fetid expectoration; bronchial haemorrhage.

Antim. Tart: With rattling sound in the chest; pulse rapid and weak. Lungs weak and partially paralyzed.

Ars. Alb: Thin acrid discharge from the eyes, nose, pharynx and bowels in addition to the bronchial tubes. Extreme restlessness and prostration. Thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.

Squilla: Profuse, slimy and sticky expectoration. Because of the slimy and sticky nature of the discharge the patient must cough a long time before he can raise the mucus.

Pulsatilla: Profuse yellow mucus or purulent expectoration from throat, nose and eyes. The patient is better in the open air. There may be headache in the forehead.

Ammonia Carb: Lack of expectoration is the ranking symptom of this remedy. If any comes out, it may be blood streaked. There is palpitation, weakness and rapidity of the pulse.

Ledum: When accompanied with emphysema.

Narcissus: In chronic cases. Give 1-3 dilutions.

Chlorum: When there is breathlessness after bronchitis.

Sabal Serr: Chronic bronchitis with dilatation of bronchial tubes.