Mercurius Sol: Ulceration and bleeding of gums. Itching, burning and redness of gum.
Phosphorus: Is an excellent remedy for gum bleeding. The treatment should be commenced with this remedy only when ruled out by clear indications of other remedies.
Calcarea Fluor: Has also proved useful when accompanied with decaying of teeth.
Carbo Veg: When teeth get loose and separated from gums. Teeth decay rapidly. Bleeding of teeth when cleaning or on slightest sucking of teeth. Pain from both heat and cold or saltish food.
Lachesis: Bleeding from gums with great thirst for water from a hydrant. Rheumatic diathesis. Oozing of blood round the teeth.
Antim Crud: Gum s detach from teeth and bleed easily.
Staphisagria: Gums spongy which bleed easily by touch of food or finger.
Terebinth: Bleeding of g ums in albuminuria.
Causticum: Easy bleeding of gums in dental fistula. Cedron. Bleeding of gums during menses.
Calcarea Carb: Bleeding of gums in suppressed menses. Sulphur. Bleeding of gums in typhoid.
Alumen: Bleeding from gums which recede; decay of teeth.
Alumen: Bleeding from gums which recede; decay of teeth.