Mercurius: Suppurating gum boils. Gums swollen, spongy and bleeding; breath offensive; worse heat of bed and at night.
Hepar Sulph: Should be given when suppuration actually commences. It will have the dual action of subsiding the abscess or aborting it. Give in 3X potency.
Silicea: Should be tried when Hepar Sulph fails.
Hecla Lava: An excellent remedy for gum abscess, especially from decayed teeth. Give in 3X potency.
Belladonna: For inflammation when there is throbbing pain in the gums.
Merc. Iod: This remedy may be alternated with Bell. in very painful cases.
Calcarea Fluor: Has proved useful when there is deficiency of calcium and loss of enamel on teeth.
Arnica Mont: Pain and swelling of gums after wearing false teeth.