Ignatia: Sensation of chocking with marked constriction of the chest; profuse secretion of a clear watery urine with an indescribable odour; convulsions; twitching and jerking of groups of muscles; crying and laughing alternately. Use mother tincture during the attack and thereafter in higher dilutions. Head remedy for hysteria. A woman who loses her child or husband suffers from headache, trembling, sleeplessness and excitement. She is unable to control herself. Thinks that she has neglected some duty. Does foolish things of which she is so proud and thus exhibits them. She is crazy in her excitement. If this trouble recurs in spite of Ignatia, give Nat Mur. which is chronic of Ignatia.
Actea Racemosa: It has a mixture of choreic and hysteric convulsions involving both the nervous and the muscular systems. Great depression. Aggravation of all symptoms before menses. In this remedy the cause generally is the irregularity in menses or other uterine or ovarian diseases.
Asafoetida: When the fit is caused by a ball rising from the abdomen. Regurgitation of food during the attack. Urinary affections. Globus hystericus which is pronounced by pressure in the oesophagus, tightness of throat. Nausea with frequent swallowing.
Cicuta Virosa: With loss of consciousness accompanied by involuntary twitching and jerking of the muscles, especially of the arms and fingers.
Pothos: Given in ten. drop doses of the mother tincture. Is specific for hysteria.
Cinnamonum: When attack goes off with eructations, nausea and vomiting. Profuse and prolonged bleeding during menses.
Magnesia Mur: Spasms, fainting, globus, bearing down in uterine region, uterine spasms, menses black with pains in back. Leucorrhoea after every stool and uterine spasms. Digestion disturbed. Faints at dinner ; relief from eructations. Palpitation better on moving about.
Senecio Aurens: Hysteria due to suppression of menses.
Ipec: Hysteria with nausea and vomiting.
Valeriana: Nerves irritated. Cannot keep still ; tearing cramps, better when moving.
Nux Moschata: Loss of memory. Forgets past events. Forgets that she was talking to her son the whole day long. Forgets even what she was doing immediately before, if disturbed. Drowsiness, faintness. The state varies from bewilderment, in which the surroundings are strange, dreamy or fanciful, to a condition of absent mindedness, sleepiness and finally deep stupor with loss of emotion and sensation ; alternating moods, laughs at one time and sad at other. Errors of perception. Objects look larger than what they are but they begin to look normal as she continues to look at them steadily. Bodily agony. Dropping of the head and the chin on the chest. It rolls as if bulky. Dryness of mouth and throat, palpitation of heart. Enormous tympany.
Hyoscyamus: Hysteric fits with little or no convulsion; fits of long duration lasting for two or three days with unconsciousness. Patient crying and laughing alternately in fits. Cannot bear touch of finger even on abdomen.
Moschus: Is suited when the patient faints readily. One cheek is red and cold and the other pale and hot. Excited, scolding, fainting coldness, spasms of glottis and lungs.
Platina: Is indicated in violent mania or lofty supercilious (haughty and contemptuous) mood.
Lilium Tigrinum: For hysterical women. She can hardly speak decent words. Extreme irritation, full of fanciful notions, insanity, religious melancholy, and imaginations with cardiac affection. Bearing down as if all the interior organs were dragging down.
Castoreum: Nervous attacks preceding undeveloped hysteria, nervous colic, twitching of muscles with extreme exhaustion. Pains better from pressure. Menstrual colic with pallor and cold sweat.
Thyroidinum: Hysteria when preceded by oedema of limbs and face. Attacks coming on at the time of menses. To cure the tendency to attacks of hysteria, the following medicines may be tried:- Zincum Val. 30; Sepia 30; Moschus 6; Kali Phos. 30; and Scutellaria tincture or 1st dilution.
Ammonia Carb: Hysteria with dyspnoea, fainting fits, uneasiness , and exhaustion from motion. Give in 200 potency or above.
Natrum Mur: Is chronic of Ignatia. It should be given after that medicine stops acting. Alternate weeping and laughing, unable to control her affection and falls in love with a married man, domestic servant, coachman etc. She knows that she is not wise yet she cannot help it. The use of this remedy will turn her mind into order.
Tarentula H: Singing and dancing without control : dancing mania; strikes head, pulls hair, tears up clothes and destroys things; strikes herself and others. Mocks at old people about their ages. AttacksĀ· end-in comatose sleep.
Conium: Hysteria due to abstinence from sexual intercourse.
Causticum: Worse during menses. Worse from exposure to cold dry wind.