IDIOCY - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday, 7 February 2018


Tuberculinum: Treatment should be started with this remedy. It should be given in IM dilution once every fortnight along with other indicated remedies.

Baryta Carb: Head remedy for idiocy. Children are mentally and physically dwarfish and do not grow or develop; swollen abdomen; take cold easily. Swollen tonsils. It may be alternated with Tuberculinum in IM dilution.

Calcarea Carb: Apprehensive, worse towards evening, fears loss of reason, misfortune. Forgetful, confused and low spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy.

Baryta Mur: Children who walk with their mouth open and talk through the nose. Appearance stupid.

Calcarea Phos: Weak, thin and anaemic patients; peevish; always want to go somewhere.

Syphilinum: An intercurrent remedy when Tuberculinum and Baryta Carb, do not completely cure or when they have proved ineffective. It may be necessary to alternate this remedy with other remedies mentioned above.

Aethusa: Idiotic children who cannot assimilate due to mental repletion. Although working to limit for an examination he finds it useless to attempt further studies. Confused, cannot retain what he has been taught.