HYPOCHONDRIASIS - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday, 7 February 2018



Nux Vomica: Marked irritability; ugly, desire to kill members of his family, also himself. Sensitive to noises, odour, light and cold; finds fault about his food, clothes etc., all caused by sedentary habits, excess in food or drinks, especially alcoholic.

Actea Racemosa: A female remedy when the attacks of depression and melancholia come before the menses. Afraid of imaginary executioner who may be a nurse, a physician, a friend, a rat, a mouse, a cat or a dog. Not lit to live yet afraid to die.

Calcarea Carb: Apprehensive, fear of death, of misfortune, of losing mind, of contracting disease: paroxysms of anguish with weeping and sobbing; dreams of the dead and other unpleasant objects.

Staphisagria: Suited for nervous system affecting brain and sexual organs. Wants to be alone to tell his symptoms. Face haggard; eyes dull, hands trembling, cold clammy sweat all due to masturbation and sexual excesses. Sensitive to both mental and physical expressions.

Phosphorus: Timidity or irresolution due to sexual excess or masturbation. Patient may be of Tubercular diathesis. Violent, loquacious, delirious, weeping, sad, hysterical. Brain weak, idiocy.

Aurum Met: Extreme despair; disgusted with himself; wants to commit suicide, but is afraid to die. The male patients scold and curse; the females sob and cry. Both are poor sleepers; the women sobbing in their sleep, the men swearing. Self-condemnation, self-reproach, self-criticism are the main symptoms. Imagines he cannot succeed in anything and he does everything wrong. He feels he has neglected his friends and his duty and therefore not worthy of salvation.

Sepia: Sadness about one's health and her domestic affairs; fits of involuntary weeping and laughter; great irritability, alternating with indifference; dread of being alone and yet great excitability in company; anxiety with fear about real or imaginary evils.

Natrum Mur: Sad and weeping patients who dislike consolation and detest those who offer it; joyless, taciturn, tired of life, hateful, vindictive, moved by trifles.

Conium: Hypochondriasis due to abstinence from sexual intercourse.