VISION-ILLUSION - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday, 1 February 2018



Hyoscyamus: Red spots before eyes.

Ruta: Candle light seems surrounded by red halo.

Thuja: Floating stripes before the eyes.

Atropin: Shadows passing over whatever is looked at. Also cures illusion of vision. Everything appears large.

Cyclamen: Fiery flames and glittering sparks before the 1eyes. Could not read owing to burning and flickering of eyes. Dim vision; objects seem through smoke and mist. Diplopia.

Ammonium Carb: Yellow spots before the eyes.

Sulphur: Black spots floating before the eyes. Near objects seem at a long distance.

Phosphorus: A sea of fire on closing the eyes. Letters appear red when reading. Black spots pass before the eyes, halo round the candle. Black reflections or sparks before the eyes.

Belladonna: Flames before the eyes. Flashes before the eyes. Objects appear elongated and/or inverted. Objects look red.

Cedron: Objects seem red at night and yellow by day.

Stramonium: Sees things red instead of black. Objects seem too small. Objects look black, crooked and oblique.

Ailanthus: Flashes of light before the eyes on closing lids at night.

Argentum Nit: Grey spots and bodies in the shape of serpents move before the eyes.

Aurum Met: Double vision and objects seem to run into one another. Tensive pain when looking at things, less severe on closing the eyes.

Nitric Acid: Black spots dancing before the eyes.

Veratrum Vir: Immense green circles appear round the candle, which, as vertigo comes on, turn to red.

Alumina: Yellow halo round the candle. Sees fiery spots, white stars. As if looking through a fog or feathers.

Kali Bi: Various colors and bright spots before the eyes. Objects seem to be covered with yellow veil.

Mercurius: Black insects or flies seem to be always flying before the right eye. Mist before the eyes. Dimness of sight. Cannot bear light of the fire which dazzles.

Sepia: Fiery sparks before the eyes. Flickers when looking at light. Black spots before the eyes. Fiery zig-zag. Zig-zag wreath of colors.

Cina: Vision yellow.

Graphites: Letters appear double when writing ; they run together when reading.

Medorrhinum: Flickering before the eyes. Blurred vision, black or brown spots before the eyes. Objects look double.