Causticum: Double vision on turning the eyes to the right.
Gelsemium: Double vision on turning eyes to either side but single vision on holding the head erect. There may be ptosis.
Hyoscyamus: Illusion of vision where he sees two objects instead of one.
Alumen: Sees things double by candle light. Purulent Ophthalmia; chronic sore eyes.
Senega: Double vision, better only by bending the head backwards. Seeing double with both eyes but normal when seeing with one eye.
Graphites: Letters appear double when writing; letters run together when reading.
Plumbum: Double vision when seeing with both the eyes but normal when seeing with one eye.
Stramonium: Letters or objects appear double.
Veratrum Vir: Double vision associated with congestive headache.
Aurum Foliatum: Everything seems double so that one object presents itself to him mingled with another with violent tension in the eyes.
Aurum Met: Double vision and objects seem to run into one another.