TASTE - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 26 January 2018


China: Everything including water tastes bitter.

Natrum Mur:
When food tastes bitter. Maybe tried in the given order, unless other symptoms of a particular remedy exist.

Aconite N: Everything except water tastes bitter.

Kreosotum: Food tastes bitter after drinking.

Carbo Veg:
Bitter taste before eating.

Cyclamen: Saltish taste. Taste diminished or perverted.

Camphor: Increased taste of all food.

Veratrum Vir: Water tastes sweet. Aversion to sweets.

Merc. Sol: Bread tastes sweet.

Cup. Met: Metallic taste, slimy and sweetish.

Rhus Tox: Taste sour, metallic and greasy.

Nux Vom: Taste bad, sour with all sorts of

variations: Milk tastes disgusting as if spoiled.

Bovista: Taste of blood. 

Lycopodium: Everything tastes sour.

Natrum Mur: Taste of food remains long after eating. Saltish taste.

Capsicum: Taste foul like putrid water. A pungent offensive taste in the mouth when coughing.

Hydrastis: Food tastes strangely. Taste remains long after eating.

Iodium: Bad taste as of soap. Taste salty at the tip of the tongue. It may be sweetish or salty.

Cocculus: Sweetish metallic taste with constant desire to spit.

Medorrhinum: Coppery taste with tongue coated; blisters on inner surface of the cheeks and lips.

Mercurius: Taste salty, sweet, metallic, slimy or of rotten eggs.

Pulsatilla: Taste as of putrid flesh with inclination to vomit; burnt taste in the mouth; bitter. Diminished taste of all food.

Stramonium: Taste bitter; all food tastes bitter. There may be loss of taste.

Veratrum Alb: Want of taste in mouth. Tasteless saliva. Excessive thirst during perspiration.