STAMMERING - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 26 January 2018


Stramonium: Head remedy for stammering. Exerts himself a long time before he can utter a word. It must be given for a considerable period. Distorts face and makes great effort to speak.

Bovista: Stammering in children.

Kali Brom: Stammering, slow difficult speech.

Calcarea Carb: Stammering with tongue large, heavy and hard palate. Should be given in CM dilution.

Hyoscyamus: May be tried when Stram. fails.

Natrum Carb: Due to heaviness of tongue.

Cicuta Vir: When he swallows his words.

Causticum: When caused or aggravated by excitement or from vexation. Stammering from paralytic condition of tongue.

Arg. Nit:
Veratrum Alb:
When due to typhoid fever.

Lachesis: Stammering on certain letters like X.S.V.T.A.P.

Cedron: After coitus in women.

Bufo: Stammering and stuttering; gets angry when incoherent speech is not understood.