SCIATICA - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 30 September 2017


Colocynth: Head remedy for acute sciatica pain. Dull, stitching pains in the hip which come suddenly and shoot down ·to the posterior part of the thigh or to knee or foot. Pain better by heat and worse by touch or motions. It may be given in high dilution, viz. 200. Three or four doses may be given at an interval of 4 to 5 hours.

Rhus Tox: When pain is due to exposure or muscular exertion, worse in bed at night or when at rest. First movement gives terrific pain which is relieved after walking a little.

Gnaphalium: Intense pain in the nerve, accompanied by cramps or alternating with numbness; worse lying down. Pains in calf and feet.

Macrotinum: Is said to be an excellent remedy for sciatica pain. It should be given in 2X trituration.

Dioscorea: Tearing pain in legs which is felt on moving or sitting. Magnesia Phos. Lightning like pains which are better by warmth. Right
sided remedy.

Acid Sulph: Has cured several cases of sciatica and lumbago when well selected remedies failed.

Arsenicum Alb: When the patient has been subjected to repeated attacks of malaria and the pain is intermittent. Violent, drawing, burning and tearing pain in left hip extending to thighs. Great restlessness relieved by warm application.

Ruta: It resembles Rhus Tox. in all its symptoms except that the pain of Ruta goes deeper radiating to the branches of the nerves inwardly rather than outwardly. Worse from cold and lying down.

Chamomilla: Sciatica pain with a mental symptom "I would prefer death rather than the pain."

Calcarea Carb: Sciatica pain with feet cold and clammy. Relieved by walking like Rhus Tox.

Morbilinum: It should be given as intercurrent remedy when the sciatica pain has started after measles. Give in 1000 dilution.

Aesculus Hip: Sciatica with dull backache which makes walking impossible. Stooping and rising is very painful.

Guaiacum: Specific for sciatica when well-selected remedies fail. It has acidity, coated tongue, filthy taste and breath. Give IM potency.

Amm. Mur: Sciatica pain as if tendons were too short, worse by sitting or walking.

Medorrhinum 200: When well selected remedies fail and the patient lies in bed with legs drawn up which position affords him relief.

Colchicum: Right sided sharp shooting pains extending to knee; worse by
motion ; pain is sudden, constant and intolerable.

Bryonia: Sciatica of rheumatic origin; worse from motion, relieved by hard pressure.

Plumbum: Sciatica with atrophy of muscles, lightning like pains and cramps in paroxysms.