RICKETS (Softening of bones) - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 30 September 2017

RICKETS (Softening of bones)

Calcarea Carb: Curvature especially of spine or of long bones. Malformation in scrofulous persons; extremities deformed, crooked, growing imperfectly . The fontanels are late in closing and the teeth are cut late and with difficulty. Potbellied child.

Kali Carb: Atrophy of the bones.

Calcarea Phos: Mal-formation of bones with loss in weight. Best single remedy for the rickets. The child is thin, emaciated and abdomen is sunken rather than distended. Large head and fontanelles remain open longer than in Cal. Carb. child.

Tuberculinum 200: Start treatment with this remedy and repeat it every three months. No medicine to be given two days before and after its administration.

Fluoric Acid: An excellent remedy, especially when there is a combination of syphilitic and rachitic diathesis. Constitution is weak and complexion sallow; the muscles are softened and flabby and the feet and hands constantly bathed in perspiration.

Silicea: Open fontanelles, abdomen swollen and bot with profuse sour sweat on head and body dry. Boils, abscesses, glands that threaten to suppurate are also covered by this remedy.

Baryta Carb: When there is mental and physical dwarfing. Tonsils and the glands about the neck and throat are enlarged and indurated.

Calcarea Fluor: Enlargement and swellings of the parietal bones of infants, deficient enamel of the teeth, cervical glands unusually hard and nodulations of the bones with suppuration.

Kreosote: When the teeth show early decay in the rachitic child, especially the milk teeth, which show dark spots and begin to crumble as

soon as they appear.

Argentum Nit: For intelligent and mentally prematurely developed children. Bowels loose and the evacuation white. Craving for sweets.

Baryta Mur: Pale, dull and rickety children who cannot even stand without help. Tonsils enlarged, weak heart and very susceptible to cold.