LUMBAGO (Backache) (See also "GONORRHOEA" and "SYPHILLIS") - Homeopathic Guide


Saturday, 30 September 2017

LUMBAGO (Backache) (See also "GONORRHOEA" and "SYPHILLIS")

Colocynthis: Pain in the ,back and small of the back which finally settles down on the upper part of the thigh and buttock Pain confines to a small spot making the patient limp and finally becomes so severe that he can neither stand nor walk. Severe burning along sacrum.

Rhus Tox: When pain is relieved by walking and is worse at rest or on first movement. It is also worse at night. Sacroiliac pain. Change the potency in case one potency does not help.

Antim Tart: Backache as from fatigue; excruciating pain in lower part of the back. Slightest effort to move causes retching, cold and clammy perspiration. Sensation of weight hanging downwards.

Ammonia Carb: Pain in the lumbar region, affecting both the kidneys, with chill and fever.

Actea Racemosa: Muscular pain with restlessness and sleeplessness. Patient is nervous, melancholy and restless.

Bryonia: When the pain is worse on every motion and better by lying down and at rest, with bruised feeling in back; wants pressure or something hard under the back. Worsens at nine or three O'clock.

Berberis Vul: Lumbago accompanied with urinary troubles, Dulcamara. When due to living in damp basements or when due to great variation in temperature within a period of 24 hours.

Kali Carb: Backward in the lower part of the back; back broken into two; pain goes down the back of the legs. The patient is whimsical, difficult, fussy, chilly and ticklish.

Medorrhinum 200: Lumbago; "lame-back" lumbosacral pain which often extends to the lower extremities. Drawing in nape and back. Pain across the back. Intercurrent remedy.

Aloe: Lumbago alternating with headache.

Natrum Mur: Backache when the patient wants pressure on the part paining. He. wants to put a book behind him in the chair, a hard thing under him in the bed. The patient goes around sitting in a chair with his hands on the back.

Alumina: Pain in the back as if a hot iron was thrust through lower vertebrae.

Nux Vomica: Backache of big muscles, all up and down the bed. The pain is due to chill with morning aggravation. Better from heat.

Aesculus H: Backache due to straining sacroiliac by hard labour or hard work. The pain is relieved by· standing.

Calcarea Phos: It should be thought of for pain in the nape of neck and cervical regions. It should be tried when Rhus Tox. and Aesculus fail. Hip- joint diseases with pain of severe type.

Hypericum: Severe nerve pain in the hip joint.

Eupatorium Perf: Backache deep into the bones with terrific thirst and chill. This may be due to after effects of malarial fever, etc.

Calcarea Flour: Lumbago worse during rest and better from heat. Pain in back extending to the sacrum. Try when Rhus Tox. fails.

Sulphur: Lumbago in venous subjects; cannot walk erect. Drawing pain between shoulders. Worse at rest. Burning in soles and hands at night. Sweat smelling like garlic.

Rhododendron: Tearing pain in all limbs. Lumbago from dry cold; worse at rest and on approach of storm. Better after warmth and eating.