LEPROSY - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 25 September 2017


Hydrocotyle: Head remedy for this disease.

Bacillinum: This remedy should be given as an inter-current remedy in 200 dilution every fortnight. No medicine to be given a day before and after the administration of this remedy.

Aurum Met: When there is an offensive discharge from the nose.

Arsenic Iod: Pricking sensation, dirty-looking, dropping off of fingers and toes, enlarged glands.

Hoang Nan: Leprosy with numbness and tingling in hands and feet.

Hura Braz: Leprosy when the skin is felt to be hide bound.

Graphites: Discharge of sticky fluids from the cracks.

Ant. Tart: Flexors bent inwards in leprosy.

Thyroidinum: Leprosy with syphilitic eruptions; scleroderma; intense redness and scaling of legs.