GOITER - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Iodum: It is the head remedy for goitre and is indicated in spare dark, active patients. It should be given in IM dilution. Marked hardness with sensation of constriction. Hypertrophy of two lobes, tumour becoming more swollen and painful at each return of menses. Glandular increase in size, especially right side, soft and without any fluctuation. Non- lobulated tumour in interior and medium portion of the size as large as a child's head, rosy red, heavy in weight and soft is cured by this remedy. Patient is thin but eats heartily. Goitre soft with heat and rapid pulse. The Iodum patients are depressed, low spirited, and suicidal.

Bromium: When Iodium in IM dilution fails, this remedy should be tried in high dilutions, viz. IM. Enlargement of glands with softness. Cannot lie on right side because of palpitation. The patient is light complexioned, scrofulous and is buoyant and cheerful.

Lycopodium: On right side, tense, smooth, shining appearance with feeling of constriction in tumour although not very large.

Natrum Mur: In early stages. Patient is afraid of thunder storm. Afraid to be alone at night. Heart rate slows down when using stethoscope and accelerates when the pulse rate is counted. Exophthalmic goitre with emaciation, weakness, trembling, palpitation, thirst, nervous irritability and sleeplessness.

Lachesis: Slight tremor with hot flushes. Awakening from sleep with palpitation and hot feeling. This remedy is also thought of during early stages.

Fucus Ves: Give in mother tincture in drop doses. This is a stock remedy for goitre. Indigestion, flatulency and constipation are most common.

Calcarea Carb: In simple goitres in fat persons with sweating on the head and neck. It may be given in 200 dilution every two hours six times daily until improvement starts.

Adrenalin: Exophthalmic goitre, with quick pulse, rapid heart action and dyspnoea. Eye balls protruding and throbbing of the arteries a t the back of the neck. Adrenalin may be given in 200 or IM dilution. If this fails, try Cactus.

Thyroidinum: This may be tried if Iod, and Bromium fail. Give 3X or 6X trituration.

Spongia: Painful goitre. Asthma with amenorrhoea. Pain on swallowing. Goitre in inhabitant s of valleys. It has the complexion and glandular enlargement of Bromium and the mental anxiety and low vitality of Iodum.

Ferrum Met: Exophthalmic goitre, especially after suppression of menses.

Lapis Albus: Scrofulous enlargement of glands. Goitre with burning and stinging pain in breasts, stomach and uterus.

Lycopus Virg: Exophthalmic goitre with heart trouble & breathlessness.

Ignatia: When there is pain in goitre in nervous patients.