GLANDULAR SWELLING - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Bromium: Enlargement of glands; swelling of testicles. Harness of glands without tendency to suppurate.

Calcarea Iod: Inflammation of glands, hardness in glands.

Calcarea Fluor: Indolent glandular enlargements of the cervical and lymphatic glands with hardness. Enlargement of bronchial and mesenteric glands, worse in damp weather, better from hot fomentations and rubbing. Use in 6X potency.

Belladonna: Glandular swellings threatening suppuration. They may be in axillary region or swellings of the mammae which are heavy, red and sensitive. Red streaks radiating from the inflamed gland with great heat and stitching pains.

Calcarea Carb: Swellings of glands which tend to suppurate. Sweat on the head which is sour and offensive.

Graphites: Enlargement of glands of axilla, groin and neck with skin symptoms. The abdomen is large and hard.

Scrophularia: An excellent remedy for inflammation and suppuration of the glands. Nodosities in the breasts.

Merc Iod: Inflammation of glands with pain. Hard and red. It follows Belladonna well.

Lapis Albus: It covers various forms of growths. Glands are enlarged with a certain amount of softens rather than stony hardness as in Calcarea Flour. Enlargement of mesenteric glands.

Iodum: Enlargement of glands (including tonsils) with withering of the entire body, the muscles shrink and the skin wrinkles. Except mammary glands which dwindle, all glands are enlarged.

Carbo Animalis: Glandular swellings. The glands enlarge slowly and then they stay. They do not suppurate, nor do they enlarge much, they are hard.

Gelsemium: For enlargement and inflammation of lymphatic gland with fever without thirst coming at 10 and 11 A.M. and completely subsiding by evening. Cerebral symptoms such as distressing the head, vertigo etc. may be present. Malignant sarcoma.

Aconite Lycotonum: Swelling of the cervical, axillary and mammary glands and even where Hodgkin's disease has been suspected.

Aethusa: Swelling of glands around neck like a string of beads.