EMACIATION (Marasmus) - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 25 September 2017


Calcarea Carb: Emaciation of skin with large abdomen. Skin falls down into folds. Bones undeveloped and stop growing. Non-appearance of teeth.

Abrotanum: Emaciation commencing from lower extremities and gradually spreads upward.

Calcarea Phos: It is an excellent remedy for marasmus. The skin withers out. Skin dry and wrinkled.

Tuberculinum: This must be administered as an inter-current remedy for emaciation. It should be repeated in 200 dilution every month, no other medicine to be given for three days before and after this remedy.

Natrum Mur: Emaciation of neck or upper limbs spreading downward.

Iodium: When the child is irritable and does not like to be approached by anyone. Eats ravenously yet emaciated.

Phosphorus: Emaciation after irregular menses.

Hydrastis: Emaciation after measles.

Secale Cor: Emaciated withe red skin, unhealthy skin, purplish, bluish, especially when the circulation is feeble.

Aurum Mur: Emaciation due to syphilis.

Plumbum: Emaciation due to anemia (deficiency of blood).