Hydrocotyle: When the skin turns like elephant hide. Also for
eczema, leprosy, acne and other skin diseases.
Merc Sol: Swelling of one or both legs. Patient becomes weak
and passes mucus. Use 200 potency if 30 fails.
Rhus Tox: For preliminary stage or when vessels are blocked
due to swelling in lymph glands or nodes. Hot application
Apis Mel: Skin red, hot, shining due to heavy oedema. No
thirst. Heat aggravates.
Bryonia: Fibrous oedema of one side or both sides. Thirst for
large quantities of water at short intervals. Motion or exertion
aggravates. Wants to lie down quietly.
Natrum Mur: Much oedema with craving for salt, dislike for
hot drinks & heat. Sun aggravates complaints, dislikes
Sulphur: Can be used in 200 potency as inter-current medicine
once a week if accompanied with gastric symptoms. Patient
dislikes wash & bath. Skin dry & dirty.
Capsicum: Many cases have been cured by this medicine only.
Can be tried when other medicines fail.
Cal Flour: A good bio-chemic medicine. Give alone
supplementary or complementary.