CAUSATIONS - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


Camphor: From cold air.

Cadmium Sulph:
From draught of cold air. 

Mercurius Proto: Draught of cold air when perspiring. 

From snowy air.

Sulphuric Ac: By raising the arms.

Rhus Tox: By raising arms high to lift things. Bathing in fresh or salt water.

Carbo Veg: By taking bad eggs, bad liquors or rancid fat or butter. Due to damp, warm weather, debauchery, inhaling hot air.

Platina: Bereavement.

Paeonia: Tight boots and shoes. Bed sores on account of pressure.

Petroleum: Cabbage.

Ruta: Carrying heavy weights.

Natrum Mur: Burning and corroding of organic tissues from moon.

Opium: Charcoal fumes. Shame.

Arsenic Alb: Climbing mountains.

Kali Sulph: Chill when overheated.

Magnesia Phos: Working with cold clay. Standing in water. Bathing in cold water. Cold wind. Catheterization

Carbo An: Eating decayed vegetables, spoiled fish.

Pyrogenium: Dissecting wounds. Blood poisoning. Ptomaine. Sewer gas.

Dioscorea: Errors in diet. Fasting.

Actea Rac: Business failure.

Rheum: Unripe fruits. Prunes.

Phosphorus: Gas. Hair-cutting. Washing clothes, laundry work. Strong odours. Drenching in rains.

Natrum Carb: Gaslight.

Argentum Nit: Intemperate habits or sugar. 

Veratrum Alb: Injured honour or pride. Selenium. Lemonade.

Colchicum: Misbehaviour of others. Crotalus Hor. Bad smells and sewer gas. 

Thuja: Onions.

Conium: Sexual abstinence.

Coffea: Long journey.