CANCER - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


In treating cancer cases, the cancer diathesis may first be antidoted by giving a dose of Scirrhinum 200 or 1000, empty stomach. The regular treatment should be started at least twenty-four hours thereafter. The other remedies which should be used as inter-current remedies are Psorinum 200 and Medorrhinum 200. These two remedies

Phosphorus: Cancer of the forehead with an open sore starting from the bone presenting a corrugated surface with blood and pus, tearing and burning pains in the affected part-give 200 dilution and repeat every week. Cancer of the tongue as if a hole had been bored through the centre of the swollen tongue with elevated and indurated margins. Patient sleeps in knee-elbow position.

Arsenic Alb: Cancer of the stomach with burning heat and dryness of the skin; thirst, restlessness and apprehensiveness. Give 200 dilution, and repeat every week.

Nitric Acid: Pricking pain with some gnawing. Cancer of the stomach with burning pain, thirst, water producing an indescribable nauseating effect, inability to retain food which is returned partially digested; vomiting of slime and blood; bloody rejections, face yellow, scrawny and emaciated.

Causticum: For pricking pain. 

Alumen: Cancer of breast.

Apis M: When the pain is stinging in character and there is itching also along with the pain.

Clematis: Cancer on the lip. If in addition to this there is a warty growth, Dulcamara may be alternated.

Sepia: Scirrhus indurations. Cancer of lips.

Silicea: Indolent ulcers upon the outer surface of the skin which are flat, shallow with bluish-white base and clear-cut edges. The patient is chilly with coldness across shoulders. Vertigo. It may be given in CM dilution.

Chelidonium: Variety of pains in the stomach which are relieved by swallowing hot substances and by bending backward. The pain begins in the stomach and extends to the breasts and to the lower angle of right shoulder blade- give in CM dilution in hot water and repeat for several months until the colic disappears or diminishes. The remedy should be followed by 

Arsenic Alb: in order complete the cure.

Euphorbium: Severe burning pain relieved by cold application. Pain like electric shocks makes him jump out of the bed. Cancer of pelvic bones found relief in repeated doses of this remedy.

Sulphur: Cancer of stomach with faint sinking feeling at the pit of the stomach akin to hunger-suppression of disease by taking strong drugs. External haemorrhoids which itch but do not bleed. Prolapsus of rectum. It should also be given as an inter-current remedy in CM dilution when well selected remedies fail.

Kreosote: Cancer of uterus with haemorrhage from uterus; menses ceasing for few months and then re-starting with dark and offensive smelling blood with acrid, ichorous discharges, biting, itching in the uterus with a sense of weight and bearing down. Cancer of cervix with terrible odour in the discharges.

Phytolacca: Cancer of the mammae. Hard, irregular tumour with retracted nipples. Sore lame feeling extended to the arm. Pain in the nipple which was fissured across the crown.

Conium: It is the leading remedy for cancer of lips. Cancer with stony hard tumour with sharp pain.

Calendula: It has been tried in Germany for the cure of cancer. It is used with success at any stage of cancer. It allays the pains and gives great comfort to the patient.

Condurango: It has genuine curative power over some cases of cancer particularly of the lips and stomach when the patient has painful cracks in the angles of the mouth.

Kali Phos: After removal of cancer when in the healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound.

Hoang Nan: Cancer of glandular structures and bites of serpents. Removes fetor and haemorrhage in cancer; revives the healing process.

Tuberculinum: May be given as an inter-current remedy if the history of TB in the family is present.

Aurum Iod: Cancerous affections and in caries of bones. Congestion of blood to glands and organs. Better when cool and worse in warmth.

Natrum Mur: Cancer of the nose and skin extending to cheeks and eye-lids after suppression of malaria by heavy doses of quinine. Craving for salt. Unable to urinate in the presence of others.

Hydrastis: Scrofulous and cancerous cachexia. Cancer of lips or mammae. Cancer hard; adherent; cutting like knives in mammae. Mother tincture of this remedy may be applied locally for cancer of lips.

Aurum Ars: Cancer of face and lips. Lips cracked. Pustules. Lupus. Discolouration, bluish or bluish-like, earthy pale.