Cantharis: An excellent remedy for all stages of burns and scalds. It
prevents blisters. Is also indicated when there is infection of the kidneys
and dyspnoea, pain in passing urine with passing of blood from the
bladder. The injured part should be immersed or bathed in a few drops
of the mother tincture mixed in water.
Ars. Alb: When threatening gangrene.
Causticum: Is indicated in the third stage when it attains chronic form
and ulcers do not heal. Use in 6th dilution which will give immediate
relief to Pain-Locally Hypericum lotion may be used in the proportion
of 1 to 10.
Urtica Urens: Acute, agonising pain in burns with sensation like
nettle-rash. Locally apply lotion of the mother tincture in the proportion
of 1 to 15.
Petroleum. When there is a tendency of the skin to crack with soreness
and pain.
Stramonium: It is indicated in burns when there is ulceration of
duodenum and also in nervous patients.
Cadmium Sul:
Antidote to radium burns in case of
treatment of cancer by radium. Give in IM dilution.
Hypericum: Burns better by cold application or keeping the part
exposed to cold air. Nervous patient with tremulous speech. Intensely
irritable. Pain with mental confusion. Give 1 M dilution.
Note: For immediate outer application use tannic acid 5% or Cantharis
mother tincture. The latter should be mixed with cold water in the
proportion of one dram to an ounce of water. The part burnt should be
kept wet to avoid formation of blisters. This alone will cure the patient
of burns if application is continued for an hour or so. Dressing with
mullein oil is also useful in burns.