BLEEDING - Homeopathic Guide


Monday, 18 September 2017


(See also "BLEEDING under "NOSE" and "HAEMORRHAGE" under "RECTUM and STOOL" and "EYES")

Lachesis. Bleeding from any orifice, gum, mouth, bowels etc. Every scratch or little cut or wound keeps on bleeding.

Crotalus Hor. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Blood flows from eyes, ears, nose and every orifice of the body including uterus. Oozing of black offensive blood that will not coagulate. Bloody sweat.

Kreosote. Bleeding from the kidneys, eyes, nose, uterus etc. Prolonged haemorrhage from the passages. A prick in the finger will bleed heavily instead of only a drop coming out. When the eyes are red and inflamed, they bleed easily.

Millefolium. Atonic condition of the blood vessels. Bleeding from any part, from wound, from ulcers, from the lungs, stomach, rectum, nose, after extraction of teeth. The blood is generally bright or red. Phosphorus. Slightest wound bleeds too much.

Secale Cor. Slightest wound causes bleeding for weeks: discharge of serous liquid; tingling in limbs.

Carbo Veg. Oozing of the blood from inflamed surfaces. Black bleeding from ulcers. Bleeding from any orifices, viz. lungs, uterus, bladder etc. all due to feeble circulation. Passive capillary oozing and not active gushing flow.

Ferrum Met. Haemorrhagic diathesis; blood bright red coagulates easily.

Cinnamomum. Bleeding from nose, bowels, lungs or stomach. It is an excellent remedy for haemorrhages from any orifice.