NOISES - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday, 1 February 2018


Kali Mur: Head remedy for noises such as of moving of a train, sounds of birds, etc. Snapping and cracking on swallowing or blowing of nose.

Nat. Sulph: Ringing of bells in the ear, Tingling of Ears.

Kali Iod: Singing and hissing in the ears as of rain on roof or river sweeping by.

Kali Sulph:

Baryta Mur: Noises in the ears when chewing.


Noises during menses.

Ferrum Met:

Veratrum Alb:
Noises during menses. Ringing in ears.

Ledum Pal: Noises in the ear like ringing of bells or like a storm of wind. Roaring in the ears, as from wind.

Alumina: Crackling noises in the ears when chewing.

Aloe: Sudden explosion and clashing in left ear just before going into bed as from breaking of glass-a peculiar symptom.

Viscum Alb: Noises in the ears with catarrhal deafness.

Nitric Acid: Roaring in ears. Cracking when chewing.

Mancinella: Feels as if ears are closed. Ringing, roaring, l/ drumming nose like voices in ears.

Muriaticum Acidum: Wheezing noises in ears.

Graphites: Cracking or noise like the explosion of a gun.

Baryta Carb: Reverberation of noises when blowing nose. Cracking noises with hardness of hearing.

Cannabis Indica: Noises in ears.

Dulcamara: Noises of buzzing character which come on at night time.


Echoes and re-echoes.

Phosphorus: Hears his own voice echoing and re-echoing.