(See also remedies under "VISION")
Calcarea Carb: Can only read by bringing the paper near the eyes touching the nose.
Physostigma: When due to ciliary spasms. Head remedy for glaucoma and myopia. Night blindness.
China Off: Myopia after Typhus Fever, with diarrhoea.
Agaricus M: Spasms of ciliary muscles to touching the lids. Short-sightedness, dimness of vision, everything appears obscure, as if it were covered with cobweb.
Phosphorus: Halo round the candle; black reflections or sparks and black spots before the eyes. Sees better in the morning and by shading eyes with hands.
Nitric Acid: Myopia with black spots dancing before the eyes. Short-sight due to syphilis or abuse of mercury.
Carboneum Sulph: Myopia Asthenopia, Achromatopsia, Dyschromatopsia, cloudiness and atrophy of the optic disc. Right hemiplegia following sudden loss of vision.