INSANITY (Melancholia) - Homeopathic Guide


Wednesday, 7 February 2018

INSANITY (Melancholia)

(See also "MANIA")

Hyoscyamus: The patient is talkative, quarrelsome, restless and wants to uncover. He is spiteful and hypochondriacal. Foolish laughter. Makes ridiculous gestures. Rushes at people with knives. Strikes and tries to murder those he meets. Fancies men are swine. Peculiar fear of being bitten by beasts. In despair wishes to end his life by drowning. Thinks he is in the wrong place, foolish laughter, almost always jolly ; talks in a hurried and cheerful manner ; intensely jealous ; inclined to uncover the body and expose the sexual organs ; sings amorous and obscene songs.

Belladonna: When there is congestion in the head, bloodshot eyes and the patient is furious. Tears clothes, bites, strikes, kicks, howls and shrieks.

Acid Fluor: The stage of insanity when the patient will sit in the corner and say nothing all day, never uttering one single word and hardly answering when spoken to (Pulsatilla).

Stramonium: Acute mania without the head symptoms as in Belladonna. Sees and hears imaginary persons and things, melancholy, terrified, loquacious ; desires light; avoids food and drink, saying they are poisoned; restless, trembles, has involuntary stools and urine. Insanity during pregnancy.

Agaricus M: Fearless, threatening, destructive frenzy; turns against himself and injures. Prophesying; making verses. Cheerful and careless mood. Says foolish and silly things. Sings and whistles at an inopportune time.

Aurum Met: Perverted mind. No love for living, wants to commit suicide. Depressed, dejected, hopelessness, low spirited. Considers himself unfit for this world. Broods all the time. Better in hot weather and aggravated by cold.

Argentum Nit: Progressive paralysis of the insane.

Silicea: Post-influenzal insanity.

Tarentula His: Insanity with sudden changes of mood in which she will strike herself and others; tear, rend and destroy. Sudden violent and destructive movement. She will be sorry and apologize after the paroxysm. Fears of something going to happen; fear of a thing does not exist; sees terrible things that are not there. Sings and dances with complete loss of control. Strikes head and pulls hair; restlessness; eyes wide open and staring.

Lachesis: Religious mania. Self-conceit, envy, hatred and cruelty. An improper love for self. Jealousy, suspicion. When she sees someone in whispering conversation, she thinks they are talking about her.

Cann. Ind: Mania with exalted ideas, time passes slowly. Space seems infinite.

Euphorbium: Insists on saying his prayers at the tail of a horse.

Ars. Alb: and Veratrum Album. In alternation every two hours for a week. When the insanity is accompanied with intermittent fever, double rise. Patient lived in a damp climate.

Natrum Sulph: Insanity and mental trouble from injuries to head.

Lyssin 200: Insanity with mental symptom of dislike for water or bathing, not even desire to drink water. Wants to jump from the roof of his house.

Kali Brom: Violent on hearing some particular name and seeing any particular object.

Causticum: Insanity with violent delirium, mental exhaustion, haplessness, despairs after suppression of eruptions with outer application.

Baryta Mur: Any form of mania with increased and strong sexual desire. Increasing muscular weakness and enlarged glands.

Cyclamen: When menstruation brings relief of melancholy.

Sulphur: Scattered ideas. Unable to collect his thoughts, Hasty. Walks briskly. Would spit on his food. Puerperal mania or insanity. Lost all interest in family after childbirth. Does not even the baby. Wants to remain quiet. Give in 1000 potency.

Crocus: Violent outburst of rage to kill his dearest friend or relative and immediately thereafter he would repent. Alternating mood. Laughter followed by tears.

Thuja: Patient feels as if he is made of glass and therefore tries to protect himself by wrapping papers or other material next to skin. Hates touching anything for fear of its breaking into two.
Melilotus This remedy is indicated in the following combination of symptoms:-
(1) The patient wants to run away, wants to kill himself, vicious, threatens to kill those approaching him, thinks there is a devi11n his stomach contradicting all he says.
(2) Wants to hide, as she thinks that other people are looking at her, nervous, timid and does not want to talk aloud as she is afraid. Insomnia.
(3) Mania to escape and kill herself.
(4) Religious melancholy.

Veratrum Alb: Wants to destroy things, tears up his clothes, marked violence and destructiveness, wants to be busy praying for hours on his knees; believes he is the risen Christ. Puerperal mania and convulsions with coldness and cold sweat. It is claimed to cure one third cases of insanity. Religious mania. Inconsolable. Runs about in the room. Looking upon the ground, or sits brooding in a corner. Wailing and weeping.

Sepia: Climateric mania with dysponia and constipation. Hot patient. Give in 200 dilution.

Staphisagria: Insanity due to masturbation. Wants to curse and abuse everybody approaching him.

Phosphorus: Insanity due to masturbation or excessive sexual indulgence; insanity resulting from phythisis; cerebral and spinal softening or other wasting disease.

Iodium: Later stage of insanity when anxiety reaches the brain at a terrific speed. He forgets what he just thought and becomes anxious. Brain seems to get no rest and the speed of thoughts coming into the brain make him mad. Overcrowding of ideas during meals while eating. Talkativeness ; ideas come so rapidly to the brain that he can talk for hours with enthusiasm and over-confidence. Clairvoyance.

Anacardium: Insanity with great weakening of memory, difficulty of concentration, apathy, hypochondria, melancholia etc.

Aurum Ars: Insanity of fanatics ; of drunkards ; of religious persons. Lamenting loquacity and laughter. Loathing of life. Extreme irritability. Obstinate and easily offended. Reproaches himself for having done wrong. Reproaches others for imaginary injury.

Bufo: Inclination to bite.