(See also" GLAUCOMA")
Aconite Nap: From cold, injury, dust, surgical operations; scrofulous inflammation with enlarged glands.
Acetic Acid: When it is impossible to remove tough mucus.
Belladonna: When eyes are blood-shot and very red. Much inflamed and painful.
Merc. Cor: This is the best remedy for eye-sore. It may be given for some time in acute as well as chronic cases and you will never be disappointed. (Use sixth potency).
Euphrasia: With watering from the eyes which is acrid.
Argentum Nit: Profuse, purulent discharge; cornea opaque, lids sore, thick, In all eye troubles due to injury give Arnica IM in the beginning two or three doses at 24 hours interval. If there is no improvement by this, give Hypericum 6 or 30 every two hours. swollen and ulcerated; agglutinated in morning. The canthi are red as blood. Mucus obstructs the vision unless frequently wiped off. Catarrhal, ulcerative; opacities of cornea. Better by cold application.
Kali Iod: Copious, thick, green discharge from the eyes. Kreosote. Inflamed and red eyes bleed easily.
Morbillinum: Due to affection following measles.
Apis M: Swelling of the lids with stinging, shooting pain and photophobia.
Rhus Tox: Thick purulent discharge. Great swelling of
Cul de sac: Profuse hot lachrymation. Restlessness. Worse about midnight.
Aurum Mur: Inflammation due to hereditary syphilis. Irritating lachrymation. Some photophobia.
Ruta G: Pain in the eyes due to straining which is worse from cold (reverse of Argentum Nit.)
Sulphur: Lids swollen and bleed easily.
Alumina Silicate: Pain in the eyes; burning in the evening as from smoke. Inflammation in the open air with itching. Burning in the lids and in the canthi. Pain in the eyes as from sand.
Mancinella: Intense inflammation causing blindness for some days.
Hepar Sul: Inflammation of the eyes with offensive thick, purulent discharge. Ulcers of the cornea with bloody, offensive discharge.