(See also "VERTIGO")
Hepar Sulph: Due to perforation or abscess in the ear.
Ferrum Picricum: With co-existence of warts or by living in noisy quarters. Nervous deafness without any changes in blood vessels. Vascular deafness.
Merc. Dulcis: Catarrhal deafness in elderly people and in obstruction of Eustachian tube. Worse in damp weather.
Cicuta V. 200: Deafness due to cerebrospinal meningitis.
Hydrocyanic Acid 200: Give alternately every week for a long time.
Pilocarpinum: When due to defects in internal cavity of the ear; hearing better in noises as of train.
Graphites: For deafness when hearing is better in noises.
Mezereum: After eczema in the ear or when due to chronic catarrh; may be due to obstruction of Eustachian tube; drum retracted or scarred. Thickening of membrane tympani. Give 30 potency before each meal. When deafness is due to suppression of eczema give 30 potency once daily early in the morning on empty stomach.
Pulsatilla: Due to cold or following measles or scarlet fever. Worse in damp weather. Obstruction of the Eustachian tube on account of catarrh. Abuse of quinine.
Iodium: Deafness due to obstruction of Eustachian tube with hoarseness and pain in larynx.
Baryta Carb: Hardness of hearing and also cracking noises.
Kali Ars: Deafness of years standing.
Mephites: Deafness chronic or from birth is cured by this remedy. Start treatment with 30 potency and go higher .It should be given a long trial say for six months or a year. A dose of Tuberculinum 200 should be given every month as an intercurrent remedy. No other medicine is to be given two days before and after.
Verbascum: Deafness due to obstruction in the ear. Feeling as if there was a covering on the ear.
Causticum: When hearing is better in damp weather. Deafness due to paralysis of auditory nerve.
Silicea: Deafness worse in damp weather.
Ledum: Deafness due to suppression of coryza or discharge from the ear (otorrhoea).
Viscum Alb: Catarrhal deafness with noises in the ears.
Arsenic Iod: Deafness combined with depression, worse at night.
Mag. Carb: Deafness which comes on from fright or in a cold.
Medorrhinum: Nearly total deafness of both the ears. Partial or transient deafness. Feeling as if a worm crawls in the right ear and is boring the interior wall of auditory canal.
Salicylic Acid: Deafness with noises in ears with auditory nerve vertigo,
Phosphorus: Deafness especially for human voice.
Chenopodium Anth: Hears high pitched tones but is nearly deaf to the sound of voice. Hears human voice best when riding in a street, car or noisy auto. Cannot hear in a quiet drawing room.
Lobelia Infl: Deafness due to suppressed discharges or eczema. Shooting pain from throat.
Veratrum Alb: Pretended deafness.