COLOURED VISION - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 2 February 2018



Phosphorus: An excellent remedy for color blindness, a routine remedy.

Strontium: Objects appear as if tinged with blood.

Ars. Alb: Objects look green.

Capsicum: Objects look black.

Actea Spi: Objects look blue,.

Camphora: Objects look bright and glittering.

Anaholinum: Colored vision of most over-powering brilliancy.

Stramonium: Things look black instead of red and black objects look grey.

Cina: Objects look yellow.

Agaricus M: Deception of colors and figures before the eyes.

Digitalis: Pale objects look white.

Carboneum Sulph: Red and green objects look white.

Hyoscyamus: Objects look golden.

Belladonna: Red objects look yellow.

Conium: Objects look red, rainbow colored; striped; double vision: aversion to light; weakness of sight.

Grotiola: Green objects appear white.