ULCERATION (TONGUE) - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 26 January 2018


(See also "SORE" under "MOUTH")

Acid Mur: Recurring ulcers, fungus; swelling; induration; paralysis of the tongue.

Lycopodium: Ulcers under the tongue.

Nitric Acid: Sublingual ulcer in whooping cough.

Mercurius: When ulceration is due to syphilis.

Graphites: Foul and indolent ulceration; syphilitic psoriasis.

Carbo Veg: Very offensive discharge with burning pains; worse in the evening and during the night.

Kali Bi: Tongue ulcerated, thick, dry, smooth, red and cracked; shines like a glass.

Baptisia: Tongue swollen, painful and offensive, covered with black blood. Raw, denuded, stiff and dry as leather or is made of wood. Aphthous patches; ulcers no bigger than pinhead, become black and offensive.

Amm. Mur: Burning blisters on point of tongue.

Eupionum: Tongue covered with raised nodules.

Condurango: Gagged ulcers on tongue.

Sulphuric Acid: Ulcers on inflamed tongue. Aphthae in mouth. Profuse salivation. Breath offensive.