SPEECH – DIFFICULT - Homeopathic Guide


Friday, 26 January 2018


Cedron: Difficult speech during menses.

Gelsemium: Difficult speech due to heaviness of tongue.

Ammonia Carb: Accompanied with pain.

Cuprum Met: When due to spasms in the throat.

Mercurius: Speech difficult on account of trembling of the mouth and tongue. Speech stammering.

Agaricus M:
When due to spasms of the tongue.

Dulcamara: When due to swelling of the tongue.

Lachesis: In typhoid fever.

Argentum Met: When due to viscid saliva.

Stannum: When due to weakness of chest or throat.

Kali Brom: Speech hesitating.

Hypericum: Speech jerking.

Chamomilla: Omits words with difficulty in speech.

Nux Vom: Omits words and syllables.

Lycopodium: Uses wrong words and wrong syllables.

Glonoine: Speech difficult and indistinct. Would hardly speak.

Bufo: Stuttering and stammering; gets angry when incoherent speech is not understood.

Cocculus: Speech indistinct.

Ammonia Mur: Cannot speak correctly.

Thuja: Uses mono-syllables.

Aconite N: Speech tremulous and stammering.