Merc. Sol: Simple salivation with sore gums and mouth. Also during pregnancy. Wets the pillow in sleep.
Natrum Mur: Obstinate salivation with ulcers on the tongue, angles of lips and inner walls of the mouth with a constant and copious discharge of limpid saliva.
Acetic Acid: Burning water-brash and profuse salivation, day and night. Sour belching.
Nitric Acid:
In mercurial salivation. The latter remedy should be given, if the former fails.
Iris V: When accompanied by nervous headache. Ropey saliva.
All. Sat: Copious flow of saliva after eating, drips from mouth during conversation.
Jaborandi: When due to nervous causes; in pregnancy.
Nitric Acid:
Offensive and fetid saliva.
Picric Acid: White frothy saliva hangs in strings to the floor.
Kali Bich: Rope like saliva.
Cyclamen: Saltish saliva.
Ignatia: Sour saliva.
Veratrum Alb: Tasteless saliva. Great debility, coldness of the body; tendency to faint.
Cenchris Con: Profuse saliva running out of mouth on the pillow in sleep.
Epiphegus: Saliva viscid. Almost constant desire to spit in headache.
Ars Alb: Salivation in debilitated, weak, emaciated and pale persons with nausea, heartburn and vomiting of food. In pregnancy.
Sulphur: Saliva tinged with blood with tendency to piles.
Pulsatilla: When the salivation is accompanied with nausea and repugnance for food. In pregnancy.
Chamomilla: Sweetish saliva.
Kreosotum: Salivation during pregnancy.
Colchicum: Saliva in mouth swallowing of which causes nausea.
Baryta Mur: Salivation with offensive odour from mouth.
Baryta Carb: Saliva runs out during sleep.
Baryta Carb: Saliva runs out during sleep.