(See also remedies under "SYPHILIS")
Aurum Met: It is the leading remedy. Deep seated destruction of the tissues, caries of the nasal bone, fetid discharge, burning pains, worse at night.
Aurum Ars: Ozena with obstructed nose and itching. Pain in the nose bones, with burning and boring; ulcerative pain. Frequent sneezing. Nose swollen.
Hippozaenium: It is indicated in chronic cases involving ulceration of nasal cartilage and bones leading to exposure of the necrosed septum, vomer and palate bones.
Thuja: Ozena with thin yellow-greenish discharges.
Merc. Cor: Ulcers in the nose, excoriating discharge, especially, if there is a thick gluey discharge from the nose, always associated with burning pain.
Merc. Viv: With soreness of the bones.
Mezerium: With burning pain in bones of nose and face.
Petroleum: Formation of scabs and cracks in wings of nose.
Pulsatilla: With yellow bland discharge, aggravation towards evening.
Hydrastis: With profuse and bloody discharge and tendency towards ulceration.
Calcarea Carb: With thick purulent, fetid discharge, swelling at the root of the nose and ulceration.
Tuberculinum: May be given as an intercurrent remedy, as sometimes the disease may be based on tuberculosis of the nose.
Kali Iod: Syphilitic ozena. Necrosis in the bones of the nose which become flat. Copious green discharge from the nose.