Alumen: Tongue dry, black with burning pain in the evening. Sore feeling, stitches worse at the tip of the tongue. Tendency to induration whenever inflammations occur.
Phosphorus: Cancer of the tongue as if a hole has been bored through the centre of the swollen tongue with elevated and indurated margins. Cancer of the tongue with severe bleeding in which case give one dose of 200 potency every week.
Apis M: Tumors; indurations; scirrhus or open cancers, with stinging burning pain. Tongue dry, swollen, inflamed with inability to swallow, cracked, sore, ulcerated or covered with vesicels. Cancer of the tongue.
Ars Alb: Tongue bluish or white, ulcerated with blue colour. When the subjective symptoms of Ars are present it will cure in higher potencies . When the homoeopathicity is more crude, the lower potencies will be required; in this case Ars. appears to act directly on the cancerous tissues and cancerous elements in the system.
Ars Hydr: Tongue enlarged; deep, irregular ulcers; nodular swellings. Mouth hot and dry; little thirst.
Hydrastis: Cancer of tongue. Shows imprints of teeth. towards edges.
Condurango: Cancer of tongue. Painful cracks in corner of mouth. Painful pustules on upper surface or on right side of tip of tongue.
Kali Cyanatum: Cancerous ulceration of right side of tongue. Lips and mucous membrane of mouth pale. Tongue dark with white coating.
Arum Met: Metallic taste in the mouth; tongue slightly coated like brownish fur. Loss of taste, melancholy. Bitter taste in the mouth, sensation of dryness, loss of taste, tongue hard as leather and immovable. Aggravation from sunset to sunrise. Suicidal tendency. Constitution broken down by the influence of syphilis and/or mercury.
Aurum Mur: Tongue flat; bad taste in the mouth. Taste entirely lost. Cancer; tongue hard as leather, hardly movable. Redness, dryness and ulceration of the tongue.
Benz. Acid: Tongue of light blue colour. Urine strong smelling and highly coloured. Tongue spongy on surface with deep cracks and with spreading ulcers. Ulcerated tumor on left side of the mouth, on soft commissure of jaws, behind last molar.
Calc. Carb: Cracked and fissured tongue. Inflammation of the tongue after abuse of mercury. White coated tongue, dirty with nasty taste. Tongue, lips and hands become white and cold. Pain beneath the tongue when swallowing on left side behind thyroid bone; swelling of sublingual glands. Tongue pushed upwards and to left by a globular semitransparent, fluctuating tumor, size of a pigeon egg.
Ranula: Cancer or syphilitic tubercle of tongue, abscess, crack or fissure of tongue. Semi lateral swelling of the tongue.
Calc. Fluor: Induration threatening suppuration. Congenital syphilis manifesting itself in ulceration of mouth and throat. Caries and necrosis, with boring pains and heat in parts. Cracked appearance of the tongue hardening after inflammation.
Carbo An: Burning on tip of tongue, and rawness in mouth. Burning blisters on tips and edges of tongue. Dryness of palate and tongue. Induration of tongue. Glands knotty, indurated, swollen, inflamed with lancinating cutting or burning pains. Scirrhous indurations. Polypus and carcinoma.
Carbolic Acid: Putrid discharges. Ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks. Burning sensation in mouth to stomach. Putrid discharge.
Causticum: Intolerable soreness of tongue as if scalded. Painful vesicles on tip of tongue. Paralysis of tongue. Pain in tongue as if he had bitten it. Pain as of excoriation and burning in the mouth, in the palate and at the tip of the tongue.
Chromicum Ac: Symptoms come and go suddenly and return periodically. Post-nasal tumors.
Citrus: Citric acid is used as local application in the pain of cancer of the tongue.
Conium: Speech difficult; distortion of tongue and mouth. Tongue and lips dry and sticky. Tongue swollen, painful and stiff. Swelling and induration of glands, with tingling and stitches, after contusions and bruises. Bleeding of ulcers, with secretion of fetid ichor; a portion becomes gangrenous; concealed cancer of bones; cancerous swelling and induration of glands; cancer of lips spreading ulcers on face; cancer and cancerous ulcers after contusions, burning stitches; stinging in affected parts.
Crotalus Hor: Tongue red and sore; yellow, stiff and numb. Swelling of tongue till there is no more room in the mouth due to inflammation. Tongue swollen to nearly twice its normal size. Tongue protruded. Syphilis; cancer of tongue, with much tendency to haemorrhage.