Bryonia: Stitching and burning pains aggravated on slightest motion. Better by lying on painful side and by pressure. Tenderness in the right lower abdomen. Patient lies still with legs drawn up to relax the abdominal muscles. Does not want to be touched and every breath worsens the pain. Thirst for large quantities of cold water. Give in IX potency every four hours till the pain stops.
Sulphur: Should be used as an inter-current remedy to complete the cure.
Iris Tenax: Is the remedy to start treatment of appendicitis. Fearful pain in ileo-caecal region, great tenderness to pressure; deadly sensation at the pit of the stomach.
Belladonna: It has the same symptoms as Iris T., but it should be given after the later has failed. It has severe pain in the ileocaecal region, worse from jerk. Inability to bear slightest touch, even of bed cover. There is also vomiting. Sleepy but unable to sleep. Oversensitive to light and other external impressions. Better lying on back with knees drawn up. Nervousness, throbbing headache. Worse by stooping, must have loose clothes.
Dioscorea: A valuable remedy when the pain is constant, the patient has never been entirely free from pain. Bowels filled with gas with griping, twisting pains better by bending backward. It may be given in hot water.
Mercurius: Where local symptoms are acute. Enteric, or diarrhoeic condition is also present. Swelling hard, hot and painful in ileo-caecal region. Bruised sensation in intestines. No relief from perspiration. Tender lump felt in the appendix region.
Colocynth: Specially indicated by a high degree of pain which may be cutting, twisting or cramping. Bitter taste. Jelly like stool. Worse by indignation. Better by pressure, warmth.
Lachesis: A valuable remedy, sensitiveness all over the abdomen and stitching from the seat of inflammation, backward and downward to the thighs. Patient lies on the back with knees drawn up. Feels hot, cannot bear clothing even in cold weather.
Lycopodium: Is the remedy in high dilutions (say in 1,000) when the acute attack is over. It should be given fortnightly or monthly to stop recurrence of attacks.
Arsenic Alb: When the condition points to sepsis, it may be the remedy. There are chills, hectic symptoms, diarrhoea, restlessness and sudden sinking of strength.
Rhus Tox: Extensive swelling over the ileo-caecal region and great pain causing an incessant restlessness. This also covers septic conditions.
Ignatia: Terrible pain in appendix with fear of operation is an important mental symptom. The knees drawn up to chin. Body hot and rigid. The patient is sensitive, alert and nervous. He suffers acutely in mind and body at the same time. Has griping and stitching pains: In nervous patient’s treatment, may be started with this remedy.
Ferrum Phos:
Kali Mur:
Useful remedies for inflammation in the ileo-caecal region.