PAIN (Including Induration, Ulceration, etc.) - Homeopathic Guide


Thursday, 5 October 2017

PAIN (Including Induration, Ulceration, etc.)

Conium: Burning, stinging and darting pain in cervix, Lancinating pain. Uterine neuralgia.

Pulsatilla: Pain in uterus with amenorrhoea (absence of menses).

Lachesis: Pain in uterus which is relieved by the flow of blood. Hard aching pains in ovaries after confinement; during menses.

Murex: Pain in right side of the uterus going into abdomen, in certain cases crossing the entire body and extending upwards to the left breast.

Hypericum: Pain and tenderness all over the pelvis after operation. Give in 200 dilution.

Sumbul: Facial or ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution.

Lilium Tig: Facile or ovarian neuralgia in women of quick and lively constitution. Sharp pains in ovaries, with bearing down sensation.

Platina: Pains in ovaries due to chronic gonorrhoea.

Podophyllum: Pains in ovaries with retarded menses, worse from motion, better lying down. From bad liver.

Actea Racemosa: Inflammation of the lining membrane of the cervix uteri.

Lac Can: Pain in right ovary, better after flow of bright red blood.

Iodium: Pain commences in the right ovary and passes down to the uterus.

Phosphorus: Pain in left ovary extending down to thighs, during menses.

Bryonia: Pain in right ovary running down to thighs, better at rest, worse by motion or touch.

Argentum Met: Pain in left ovary with prolapsus of uterus.

Hydrocotyle: Shooting, darting, and lancinating pain vagina.

Kreosote: Burning and smarting pain in vagina, worse on rising from sitting position. Vagina swollen.