SPINA BIFIDA (Meningocele) (Protrusion of the contents of the spinal canal as a cystic tumour) - Homeopathic Guide


Sunday, 17 September 2017

SPINA BIFIDA (Meningocele) (Protrusion of the contents of the spinal canal as a cystic tumour)

Tuberculinum: Treatment should be started with this remedy. Give one dose in 200 potency.

Silicea: A dose of this remedy in 200 potency be given after a week of the administration of Tub. 200.

Arsenic Iod: After three days of the administration of Silicea 200, this medicine be given thrice daily for a fortnight. Silicea 200 should again be repeated and followed by Ars. Iod. as indicated above. Tuberculinum 200 should only be repeated once in two months.

Calcarea Carb: Should be tried when Ars. Iod. does not respond.